Francesca Posted on June 30 2018

In 2000 the sociologist and philosopher Zygmunt Bauman wrote "liquid Modernity" the first book that showed the new face of modern society.
Here's a quote from the book:
"Forms of modern life may differ in quite a few respects – but what unites them all is precisely their fragility, temporariness, vulnerability, and inclination to constant change.
To ‘be modern’ means to modernize – compulsively, obsessively; not so much just ‘to be’, let alone to keep its identity intact, but forever ‘becoming’, avoiding completion, staying undefined."
From the beginning of the Universe, change has been the only constant in life.
However, in modern society, it looks like everything runs faster and changes quicker than ever.
This is one of the reasons we constantly feel an overall feeling of instability and precariousness, and this contributes to creating stress and anxiety and is also one of the primary reasons for emotional disorders today.
Learning to master this "new feeling" is one of the intents of our society. That's why meditation, yoga, and all the practices that are meant to lead us to a higher self-awareness are so popular and critical today.
What anxiety actually is
While stress comes and goes, anxiety is something that can persist.
Whether we have a rational reason or not, for many of us, that sense of pressure and imminent catastrophe that anxiety gives is pretty constant in life.
In fact, despite what people think, stress is a normal part of life.
What is essential is learning to deal with it. If not, it can and to control your entire life, including your emotional and physical health, business, relationship and everything in between.
Dealing with anxiety
Muscle tensions, difficulty in breathing, dry mouth, and palpitations are just some of the most common symptoms of anxiety and chronic stress.
The primary trigger that leads us there is fear.
It's not a case that in a society where chronic stress rises, fear is the most common "virus".
Fear in itself is a healthy emotion, it allows you to get over bad or unhealthy situations, but it can also become a cage if you can not be able to recognize when you have to trust yourself and let it go.
The antidote to melt fear is trust. That's why you need to develop self-trust if you want to overcome stress and anxiety and stay healthy in the modern world.

Rethinking about anxiety
Imagine your stress levels like a bucket of water.
If you keep spilling stressful thoughts into your bucket (even tiny things) over time, it fills up. And one day, the water comes out.
What you need is a bucket with hundreds of precious holes. They reduce your stress level, avoid burnout and maintain mental clarity.
Each of these holes is something you love to do.
It could be yoga, meditation, running, reading, listening to music or everything you enjoy doing.
But what happens when you have insufficient time for yourself? You need to allow the water flow all day long, even if you're at the office, at a conference, you're driving, or you're running to school.

How to cope with anxiety, even when you have no time for yourself
The primary goal in anxiety management is learning to handle it even when you're feeling stressed or tired, or you have no time for a lonely and restorative walk, a yoga session, 15 minutes of meditation, or every practice that allows you to melt the tension.
Letting the wise energy of Crystals and Gemstones helps you is one of the most effective practices that boost you to do that.
Wearing the Crystals that vibes at the frequency you need allows you to be in contact with that vibe all day long, gaining the most long-lasting effects on the spiritual, emotional, and physical level.
Mind that the work you do with crystals and stones cannot replace any medical advice or prescriptions. Rather you can use them as self awakening practice and holistic compendium of every kind of healing journey.
3 Most Powerful Crystals that Turn Anxiety & Stress Into Confidence
The name "Amethyst" comes from ancient Greece and means, "He cannot be drunken." This crystal was already famous at that time for its property to encourage mental clarity and sobriety.
How Amethyst supports you at the Spiritual level:
• Amethyst stimulates spiritual awareness and facilitates the recognition of the soul truth. It reinforces the sense of justice, critical thought, and integrity.
• It can enhance introspective capacities, bringing inner wisdom to light.
• You can also call it "soul stone" because its messages interact directly with your inner guidance.
How Amethyst supports you at the Psychic level:
• Amethyst is a boost to overcome moments of sadness, especially when they come from damage or loss.
• Amethyst makes dreams clearer, promotes intuition and is a great help to dispel nightmares.
• Good quality amethyst Druze can have a soaring auric emission that affects the wearer's mood.
How Amethyst supports you at the Mental level:
• Amethyst helps to dry the mental anxieties.
• It promotes awareness and sobriety. It helps you to handle every situation in a conscious, mindful and coherent way.
• Amethyst promotes efficient thoughts contributing to overcoming obsessions.
• Its calming effect is useful in cases of stress from overwork or headaches.
How Amethyst supports you at the Physical level: Amethyst reduces muscle tension and headaches.
The perfect combination to gain mental and emotional balance:
Amethyst calms the mind, Rose Quartz comforts the heart. Wearing these two stones at the same time promotes peace of mind and emotional balance.
Over the second millennium before Christ, Peridot was used in Egypt as a healing stone. In the Middle Ages, it drives evil spirits away, encouraging wisdom and friendship.
How Peridot supports you at the Spiritual level:
• Peridot is a very useful crystal for those who can not come to terms with reality.
• Peridot helps you to escape external influences by allowing you to live your life and learn from experiences.
How Peridot supports you at the Psychic level:
• It helps you to free yourself from guilt and to discharge rage
• It can help heal sentimental wounds and reassemble relationships.
How Peridot supports you at the Mental level:
• It helps to recognize mistakes made and forgive yourself.
• Peridot has high detoxifying and revitalizing properties.
How Peridot supports you at the Physical level:
• Peridot acts directly on the solar plexus because of its quantity of yellow melting the nervous tension transforming it into relaxation and abandonment.
• Period is a tonic that revives the whole organism making it healthier, vigorous and luminous.
In the Alpine regions, it was believed that Smoky Quartz keeps bad fate away. That's why, more recently, soldiers carried crosses made in smoky Quartz in battle.
How Smoky Quartz supports you at the Spiritual level:
• Smoky Quartz helps to better endure fatigue and pain.
• Smoky Quartz allows you to face problematic periods with courage.
How Smoky Quartz supports you at the Psychic level:
• Smoky Quartz has a powerful relaxing effect.
• It is one of the most powerful crystals for managing tension and strengthening resistance.
How Smoky Quartz supports you at the Mental level:
• It promotes a pragmatic and realistic mentality.
• Smoky Quartz reinforces the ability to stay focused.
• It helps to find common ground during conflicts and prevents feelings take over thoughts.
How Smoky Quartz supports you at the Physical level:
Smoky Quartz assists you in maintaining grounding and emotional-energetic balance, avoiding emotional weakness and the sense that someone is stealing your energy.
To synthesize and better clarify how these three crystals work on at the different levels and on Chakra, I created this cheat sheet for you
If you love it feel free to share this article with one of your friends or your online tribe.
Or, you can also download the cheat sheet on your desktop ;)
And of course, if you have some questions, or wanna share your experience don't hesitate to post it on the comment section below!
Thank you so much for spending your time with me by reading this article. I wish you a wonderful and grateful rest of the day.
All Love
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