The 3 awesome crystals for Samhain or Halloween

The 3 awesome crystals for Samhain or Halloween
I think that reconnecting with rituals and festivals that belong to the story of the country we're living in is an effective and also fun way to revitalize and feed the essential bonding with our ancestors and their legacy; this enriches our spirit, making the physically stronger and supported.

Between October 31 and November 1, people of Europe and North America celebrate the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter, or the "darker half" of the year.
Whether if people call this festival Samhain (North Europe), the Day of Deaths (in Italy) or Halloween (in the United States), for example, all of our ancestors gather together to honor the wisdom of the darkness that would be raised over the next following days.
Who better than those who live in a world of spirits and that had lived in the material plane can suggest to us how to trust the day-by-day life, especially when all around turns colder and darker?

These traditions came to us from our lineage and that's why, these days, if you pay attention and listen, you've been hearing a subtle and sweet voice inside of yourself that calls you to remember and honor who came before you and all the world of spirit in general.

Crystals and stones can definitely support us in enriching the connection with old spirits by getting close to them.
Here are three of them I encourage you to bring in your meditation these days and every time you desire to foster the connection with the voice of your deepest roots.

Its frequency encourages you to go deeper into the memory of the past without worrying or having fear.
Its iridescent rainbow accompanies you throughout the journey with easiness, providing solid grounding and support with a reliable connection with the higher planes.
Labradorite is also an excellent stone to stimulate creativity. This faculty might help to interpret some messages you get during meditations or rituals.

Black Obsidian invites us to return to our inner depth, finding the courage to question ourselves by meeting our own shadow and reviewing part of our beliefs and convictions.
Obsidian teaches that it is from the base that we start our journey to light and to self-discovery.
It's a stone that opens the doors to self-knowledge and understanding.
Being a volcanic glass, it doesn't have an organized inner structure; this, in terms of information, comes to us as an invitation to explore freely without a specific direction or speed. This made Obsidian a stone particularly suggested for those who already experienced shadow works.

The sweet and dense atmosphere of this stone accompanies us into the depth of the Earth with a sense of serenity, slowness, and wonder.
This is the most suggested frequency for those who want to travel through one's biological and subtle memories. It's like descending to visit our own subterranean temple and getting access to the foundation of our incarnation, learning more about one's position in the family or group.
Black Septarian is also a wonderful stone for those who begin one's journey of self-discovery with the help of crystals.

All these stones vibrate to support the Knees Chakra, the deepest roots.
Crystals for Samhain and Halloween

If you feel it resonates with you, I suggest you extend your meditation and your connection to the spiritual realm and then work with the stone that you picked among the ones you find here, beyond November 1.

Mind that celebration dates are conventions, and the information you can receive on these days persists over the days that follow.


Thank you so much for spending your time with me, I really appreciate it. If you have some specific questions or doubts don't hesitate to leave a comment or DM me on Instagram (I'm giardinbolu).


Sending you so much love, 


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